Proposed sub-topics for DECriS Conference are:
- Proposed sub-topics for DECriS Conference are:
- Digital Education (DE): approaches, strategies and organisational models
- DE supporting equity, inclusion and internationalization of higher education (HE)
- DE in the time of crisis: innovative practices and solutions
- Virtual reality and game-based learning
- Emergency online teaching: experiences and best practice
- Emergency online teaching and mental health issues
- Trauma-informed teaching and learning
- Wellness and self-care strategies for dealing with stress, anxiety and burn-out of teachers and students
- Mobile teaching
- Pros and cons for DE in the time of crisis
- Teachers' and students' perception and expectations of DE
- Users’ experience and satisfaction with hybrid and DE; best practices
- Pedagogical approaches to the DE
- New methodologies and digital competencies for DE
- Innovative curricula and educational methods in DE
- Digital testing and assessment
- Impact of hybrid and DE on learning outcomes and higher education in general
- Digital transformation: the role and expected impact of information institutions on higher education
- Open Educational resources (OERs): perception, experiences, challenges
- (Quality) evaluation of OERs: approaches, case studies, views from different perspectives and experiences
- Internship and apprenticeship in the time of crisis: perception, experience, challenges
- Digital internship