Project: 2020-1-HR01-KA226-HE-094685    

Multiplier Events

Event Identification
Event Title
International Conference on digital transformation and inclusiveness of the universities in the time of crisis situations
University of Osijek
Event Description
The conference on the assessment of DE during the COVID-19 crisis is planned as an international conference with a number of invited participants who will share their experience with the DECriS project team members. It will assess the diverse reactions to the crisis and the best practice which was identified. It will furthermore motivate the discussion on how this is aligned with the goal to “implement digital learning strategies and exploit the potential of state-of-the-art technology” in Higher Education (Modernization Agenda for Europe’s Higher Education System) and how these practices contribute to the digital learning ecosystem as sketched in the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) by the EU.
The project team will prepare papers on various aspects of the DECriS project’s goals and achievements, try to encourage discussion and sharing the views. We plan to publish, similar to the conference Future of Education in Information Science (FEIS) in Pisa in 2018, an e-proceedings with all papers, posters and conclusions of panel discussions. The expected number of participants is 100, 40 of them as invited participants from abroad, and 20 of them as invited participants from Croatia.
The PMT will prepare the programme at least three months in advance and distribute all marketing and other relevant material. After the event, there will be a report with all conclusions and recommendations. The report will be published at DECriS web site, at partners' websites, online newsletters, social networks and professional journals. It will be disseminated to media and relevant stakeholders. A video documentation will provide access to the material.
Some of the topics we anticipate to offer are:
  • critical elements in evaluating the quality of OERs and users’ satisfaction with OERs,
  • case study analysis and to the processes of improving the content, pedagogical and evaluation approaches in assessing the quality of OERs
  • pros and cons of DE in the times of crisis
  • approach to the apprenticeship in the online environment, etc.
We plan to invite participants from European HEIs and policy making bodies, professional organization and business sector, and colleagues from Russia, USA, Australia, New Zealand, but other interested parties will be also welcome.
Start Date
22-05-2023 (dd-mm-yyyy)
End Date
First Call for Papers and Posters
Second Call for Papers and Posters
DECriS Conference

Agencija zs mobilnosti i programe EU
Filozofski fakultet Osijek


  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Jägerova 9, 31000 Osijek

This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This publication [communication] reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.