DECriS Conference
Hybrid Multiplier Event Erasmus+ Project DECriS: "Critical elements in designing, adopting and using of Open Educational Resources (OER)
24th - 25th November 2022, Zagreb
Invitation nad programme
Registration form
We are pleased to announce that the deadline for submission of papers has been extended until 15 December, 2022.
Second Call for Papers and Posters
Second Call for Papers and Posters for DECriS conference can be found here
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International Conference on Digital Transformation and Inclusiveness of the Higher
Education Institutions in the Time of Crisis Situations
22nd - 23rd May 2023, Osijek
The International Conference on Digital Transformation and Inclusiveness of the Higher Education Institutions in the Time of Crisis Situations is planned as one of the Multiplier Events of the Erasmus + project Digital Education for Crisis Situations: Times When There is no Alternative- DECriS (2020-1-HR01-KA226-HE-094685). DECriS project is coordinated by the Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku (Croatia), with partners from Stiftung Universität Hildesheim (Germany), Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria) and Sveučilišni računski centar Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, (Croatia).
Bobcat of the year Award
We are delighted to learn that our colleague, professor Cristobal Urbano, DECriS coordinator of the Barcelona team, was given the Bobcat of the year Award during the BOBCATSSS symposium on Monday, May 23rd 2022 for his achievements and contribution to the Library and Information Science in Europe.
Congratulation to Crisrtobal on this Award!
Second Multiplier Event: Critical success factors and their typological classification for the evaluation of the Open Educational Resources (OER)
3rd - 4th May 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria
On May 3rd and 4th 2022, the second Multiplier Event of the Erasmus+ Project Digital Education for Crisis Situations: Times when there is no alternative (DECriS) will take place in hybrid mode (via Google Meet and face-to-face) at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria.
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DECriS European Summer School on Information Science 2022
Institute of Information Science and Natural Language Processing
University of Hildesheim
21st - 26th August 2022, Hildesheim, Germany
The DECriS European Summer School on Information Science (DESS 2022) is an intensive one week teaching event for BA students who want to enroll in a MA program in information science. One week of DESS will bring you 2 ECTS. DESS 2022 is organized by Stiftung Universität Hildesheim, Germany,Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek, CroatiaUniversitat de Barcelona, Spain, Universitet po bibliotekoznanie i informacionni tehnologii, Sofia, Bulgaria and SRCE, University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Croatia. DESS 2022 is held under the auspices of EU and Erasmus+ programme -project DECriS -Digital Education for Crisis Situations: Times When There is no Alternative (2020-1-HR01-KA226-HE-094685).
The courses of DESS will cover the five following areas:
- Advances in Information Science
- Research Methodology in Information Science
- Principles of Information Seeking and Retrieval
- Evaluation of Information Services
- Preservation Management of Written Heritage
More information about the organization and programme of DESS 2022:
Final programme
Application form
Deadline for application: April, 30th 2022
Opening up education - unfulfilled potential of OER
As part of the International Open Education Week 2022, the University Computing Center Srce is organizing a webinar on:
Opening up education - unfulfilled potential of OER
March 9, 2022 starting at 10:00 AM
► webinar video

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Proud to have Gema Santos as member of DECriS UB Team
Gema Santos Hermosa is one of this year's winners of UNESCO OER Imlementation Award for Exellence.

The European Summer School on Information Science 2021
The European Summer School on Information Science 2021 (DESS - DECriS European Summer School on Information Science 2021) will be held from 6 to 10 September 2021 at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Osijek.
DESS 2021 is organized by the Department of Information Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek in co-organization with the University of Hildesheim, the University of Barcelona, the University of Bulgaria and the University of Zagreb.
This year's European Summer School of Information Sciences is attended by 25 students from Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, and lectures will be given by 5 invited foreign and Croatian lecturers Thomas Mandl, University of Hildesheim, Germany; Juanjo Boté, University of Barcelona, Spain; Tania Todorova, University of Library Studies and Information Technology, Bulgaria; Mario Hibert, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Irena Jandrić, University Computing Center, University of Zagreb, Croatia and local lecturers.
The desire of the organizers is to bring students closer to the achievements and trends in information science, as well as modern methods and principles in the field of organization, management and preservation of information. Thus, during the five days of lectures and practical work at the DESS 2021 Summer School, students will have the opportunity to expand and supplement their knowledge in five thematic areas: development and achievements in the field of information sciences; research methodology in information sciences; principles of information retrieval; evaluation of information services; protection and storage of analog and digital materials.
During their free time, participants will learn about local culture and nature, and enjoy in local cuisine.
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Experiences Developing and Managing Successful Erasmus+ Proposals
On March 19, 2021 ASIST / European Chapter organized an online seminar “Maximising on Funding Opportunities in the EU & Finding Research Partners”. Two invited speakers, Past-president of ASIST, Diane Sonnenwald, and Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić talked about their experience with Horizon 2020 and Erasmus + program.
Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić offered a talk about Experiences Developing and Managing Successful Erasmus+ Proposals, in which she presented two successful approaches to Erasmus+ calls: EINFOSE (European Information Science Education: Encouraging Mobility and Learning Outcomes Harmonization) and DECriS (Digital Education for Crisis Situations: Times When There is no Alternative). She focused on the process of preparing and leading an Erasmus+ project, from proposal requirements to project implementation.
Public presentation of DECriS project
From the 25th till the 26th of March 2021 Department of library and information science at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation held the international conference “Library and Information Science Education in the Pandemic”. Three Croatian representatives participated in the conference. Invited speakers Martina Dragija-Ivanović from the University of Zadar and Boris Badurina and Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić as project’s team members have given a talk “LIS Education in the Pandemic: Experience of Croatian Universities”. The talk focused on the issue of measures undertaken to decrease the danger of spreading the pandemic at Croatian universities with special emphasis on courses’ structure and performance, communication with students and conducting examination, as well as student traineeship and internship in the field of information sciences. Alongside the review of research done by the Agency for Science and Higher Education, speakers presented the DECriS project (Digital Education for Crisis Situations: Times When There is no Alternative) which was accepted within the Erasmus+ call launched in September 2020 supporting digital education readiness and creative skills. Project DECriS started on the 1st of March 2021 and will run for a duration of two years.
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